Paper Pat-a-cake
To add an interesting variation and challenge to Pat-a-cake, two Beavers can attempt to support a sheet of paper between their two hands as they go through the clapping actions. Each Beaver extends one hand and the sheet of paper is slipped between them; they then try to separate their hands and connect them again without dropping the sheet of paper. If successful, they can switch hands or go through a variety of other Pat-a-cake hand sequences.
Little Beavers
In groups of three or four, they are asked to make the letters of "Sharing" with their bodies. Each group works together to make an S; then after a suitable time for the leaders to view the S and praise their efforts, they make an H, and so on.
Toesie Roll with Control
Partners lie stretched out on the floor feet to feet with soles touching. Once you decide in which direction you would like to roll, hook your foot on your rolling side over your partner's foot. The top of your toes on that foot will be hooked over the top of your partner's toes. Roll in one direction and then try reversing the direction of your roll, but first unhook your toes on one side and hook them on the other side.
Dog Bone
Beavers remain seated except for one Beaver selected to be the dog. The Dog sits with eyes closed, facing away from the group. A "bone" is placed behind the Dog and in front of the group. Select one Beaver at a time to try to slip up quietly and get the bone. If the Dog hears a sound, he barks like a dog and the would-be bone thief returns to his seat. If a Beaver is able to take the bone without being heard, the Beaver returns to his seat and hides it. The rest of the group then chants "Dog, Dog, where's your bone." The Dog then turns around and has three chances to guess who has the bone. If the Dog guesses incorrectly, the group says 'No !' If the guess is correct, the group applauds. In both cases, the one who stole the bone becomes the next Dog.
Balloon Soccer
All players sit in rows evenly spaced throughout the room. Two goalies sit at opposite corners of the room. Both goalies have pushpins, safety pins, or other instruments that will break balloons. The rest of the group is divided into two teams by counting off. To begin, the leader drops an inflated balloon in the center of the room. Each team tries to hit the balloon to its goalie, who remains in a corner. The goalie who gets the balloon and pops it scores a point for the team. This game is also fun without keeping score.
Who's There ?
One Beaver is chosen to be 'It'. He covers his eyes or is blindfolded. The other Beavers tiptoe around him and one of them taps the chair. 'It' calls "Who's there ?". The Beaver who tapped then replies with some Mother Goose character trying to disguise his voice, then 'It' tries to guess who tapped and the game continues.
Newspaper relay
Divide the group into two teams. Fold several sheets of newspaper into quarters to create a solid pad on which to step. Each team will need two pads. Give the first Beaver on each team two folded newspaper pads. Define the starting line behind which teams must stand, and select a goal across the room. When the leader signals, the first player on each team must put down a newspaper pad and step on it, then put down the other newspaper pad and step on that one, then pick up the first and put it farther ahead to step on, and so on, until the player reaches the goal. The process is repeated while returning. On returning, the first player touches the next player in line. The next player continues in the same fashion.
Last Detail
Place several simple objects in a box. Let the Beavers study the box for several minutes. Turn away and remove an object, then see who can guess what is missing.
Beavers are divided into groups of 5 or 6 and form lines holding on to the waists of the Beavers in front of them. The last Beaver has a cloth or paper 'tail' tucked on the back. The object of the game is to travel as a group and try to get the other group's tail before they get yours.
Chain Tag
Like tag, a chaser tries to catch others. Once he has touched somebody, they join hands and become the chasers linked together. Each Beaver touched joins the chasers, taking the hand of the Beaver who touched him so that there is a long 'chain' of chasers.
Farmer, Farmer, May we cross your Golden River ?
One Beaver is named the farmer and stands at some distance away from the lined-up Beavers. The lined-up Beavers call out "Farmer, Farmer, may we cross your golden river?' and choosing a colour, the farmer replies, "you may cross if you are wearing (colour)." The Beavers who have this colour on can cross without being harmed, but the others have to dash across without being caught by the farmer. If a Beaver is caught, he helps the farmer catch the rest of the Beavers. This is usually repeated several times with different colours.
A Beaver is chosen to stand in front and he then calls out a letter from the alphabet. The lined-up Beavers then jump forward according to the number of times that the letter is in their name. Sometimes the Beaver in the front turns his back to the rest and when he thinks that another Beaver is nearby, he screams out a certain word and the dash for the starting line.
Co-operative Tale
The leader begins the first line of a story, e.g., 'Once upon a time, there was a giant frog,". The next Beaver is to continue the story, then it is the next Beaver's turn and so on until the story is finished or when you would like to finish it.
Numbers Change
The Beavers are seated in a circle and each Beaver is given a number. One Beaver stands in the centre. He calls two or three numbers. The Beavers whose numbers are called must change places quickly while the Beaver in the centre must try to get one of their seats. Whoever is left without a seat must stand in the center and be 'It' for the next round.
Bean Bag
The Beavers form a line with the Leader a short distance away facing the line. The Leader then throws the bean bag to each Beaver in the line who, in turn, throws it back to the Leader. Any Beaver failing to catch the bag goes to the end of the line. If the Leader misses, he/she goes to the foot and the first Beaver in line becomes the Leader. The distance of the Leader from the line may be varied as the game progresses.
Blind Cat
The Beavers form a circle with one blindfolded Beaver, The Cat, standing or sitting in the centre. The Beavers circle around to music and as the music stops, The Cat points to any part of the circle. The Beaver pointed to must meow like a cat. If The Cat guesses correctly who is making the sound, that Beaver becomes The Cat.
Catch the Handkerchief
The Beavers stand in a circle with each Beaver having been given a number. (The Beavers' names could be used instead of numbers.) The Beaver who is 'It' stands in the centre holding a large handkerchief. As he throws it into the air, he calls a number. The Beaver whose number is called must catch the handkerchief before it falls to the ground. If he fails to catch it, he becomes 'It'.
The Beavers form a circle. One holds a utility ball. As the ball is tossed to someone else in the circle, the thrower calls out a colour such as sky blue or fire engine red. The receiver must catch the ball and then take a turn calling out a colour and throwing the ball to another Beaver. However, if the colour is green, the receiver must be careful not to catch the ball but let it fall to the ground. If he does catch the ball when green was called, they must run twice around the outside circle before being allowed to participate again.
Keep It Out
The Beavers stand in a circle with legs apart so that a utility ball could fit through. One Beaver outside the circle runs around with the utility ball and tries to surprise the Beavers by tossing it through their legs. The Beaver in the circle may not kneel down etc., but can stop it with their hands. The ball can only be tossed between the legs. When one gets a ball through, he changes with the one who let it through.
Sun and Moon
Two Beavers are chosen to be the sun and the moon. The other Beavers bend over and make an arch. The sun must pass under all the arches but when he has been through an arch that Beaver can run off within the agreed boundaries. The Moon has to try and catch them. When the Sun has passed under every arch, the Moon tries to catch the Sun. The game ends when everyone is caught. The two last Beaver caught get to be the Moon and the Sun next time.
Vegetable Soup (Fruit Basket)
Everyone is seated in a large circle and given a name of a vegetable (or fruit). Other Beavers will also have this same name. When their vegetable name is called, they must switch places with someone of their own kind. The last one to be seated is out and can help call the names. When you call 'vegetable soup', everyone must get up and switch seats with someone.
P.I.G. Game
Get two objects that are the same (two for each Beaver, i.e., baby food jar lids, painting the inside of the lid). Have the Beavers it in a circle and handout the lids to the Beavers (two each). When you say 'go', they pass their one lid to the Beaver on the left until a Beaver gets a pair of colours that match. The Beaver then puts finger on their nose and the rest of the Beaver will do the same. The last Beaver will get a 'P' until it spells P.I.G. and they are out of the game.
Mr. Muffet and The Spider
One Beaver is chosen to be Mr. Muffet. He sits in the centre on a low bench while the other Beavers stand in a circle around him. Mr. Muffet covers his eyes and another Beaver is chosen to be the spider. The spider creeps up towards Mr. Muffet. When Mr. Muffet hears the spider, he chases him away. If he can catch him before he reaches his place in the circle, he must become the new Mr. Muffet and he joins the circle but if he cannot catch him, he must return to his bench and try to catch the next spider.
Wet Sponge Relay
Two or more teams are needed with at least four members (the longer the better). The first Beaver sticks a sponge in a pail of water and soaks the sponge. When they say 'go', the first Beaver passes the sponge over her head to the second Beaver in the row. The second Beaver passes the wet sponge through their legs to the third Beaver and so on alternating the passing over and under. The last Beaver runs to the front and drops the sponge in the pail and they all sit down.
Fruity-Tooty Game
Have each Beaver pick a fruit, only one per Beaver. One Beaver it 'It' or stands in the middle of the circle with a magazine or something soft to hold on to. One Beaver starts by calling out their fruit first, and another fruit from the circle, i.e., apple then orange. The 'It' will try to touch that Beaver whose fruit was called before that Beaver calls out another fruit.
Frozen Bean Bag
All Beavers move around at their own pace with a bean bag on their head. The leader can instruct them to skip, hop, go slower or faster, etc. If the bean bag falls off a Beaver's head, he is frozen. Another Beaver must then pick up the bean bag and place it back on the frozen Beaver's head to free him without losing his own bean bag.
Reverse Hide 'n' Seek
One Beaver hides while all the others close their eyes. Everybody looks for the one Beaver that is hiding and when someone finds the one hiding, he hides with him. Eventually, all the Beavers are hiding together in the same spot.
Big Snake
The Beavers stretch out on their stomachs and hold the ankles of the Beaver in front of them to make a two-Beaver snake. They soon connect for a four-Beaver snake, and eight-Beaver snake, etc. The Beavers can try making the snake roll over, go over the 'mountain', through 'holes' or curl up and go to sleep.
Chinese wall
Two parallel lines are drawn about a yard apart. One or two Beavers stand between the lines and can't go beyond the lines. The others try to run from one line to the other line without being touched by Beavers in the middle. If they are touched, they join the Beaver in the middle. It continues until everyone has been caught. A leader calls out when Beavers should try to cross from side to side.
Aunts and Uncles
One Beaver stands alone on one side of the Meeting Place. The rest line up facing him on the other side to try and get across. The Beaver on his own calls out an aunt or uncle name e.g., Uncle Henry, and any Beaver who has an Uncle by that name moves a step forward. The same applies for aunts. If you have two uncles by that name, then you move two steps forward. You can include mothers and fathers, grandparents, etc. The game continues until someone passes the one Beaver.
Frozen Tag
One or two Beavers are 'It' and run around touching others. Once a Beaver is touched, they are frozen and can't move until someone goes under their legs or arms. The game goes on until the Beavers grow tired.
The Train Name Game
All the Beavers should be standing in a circle. Five Beavers make a train, and they move around the circle. Each train should approach a Beaver and say, 'Do you want to be part of my train?' Once the Beaver says 'yes', you then ask their name. Once you know their name, you repeat it five times jumping right to left, swinging their arms and legs in a jumping jack fashion. After yelling their name five times, you yell reverse and you turn around so the Beaver can grab on. Once you've found someone, you move on to the next Beaver and repeat the procedure.
Red Light, Green Light
Green means Go and red means Stop. One Beaver at one end with the others at the other end. The one Beaver faces away from the other Beavers. He yells green light and the other Beavers start moving up until the Beaver yells red light and turns around. The other Beavers have to immediately stop and stay still. The Beaver turning around checks to see if he can see anyone moving. If he does, he can tell that Beaver to go back to the start. The game continues until someone crosses past the one Beaver. The Beaver at the head can turn around yelling red light as many times as he wants.
Beavers form tight circles in groups of eight to ten. One Beaver is designated at 'It' and stands alone in the centre. On a signal, 'It' tries to escape from the circle in any way they can, such as jumping over, crawling under, pushing through, etc. When he breaks out, the circle disperses and 'It' must tag a new 'It'.
Shoes (hoops are needed)
One hoop in the centre and one hoop for each of the teams. Several shoes should be piled in the centre hoop. Teams sit in single file behind their team hoop. On a given signal, the first Beaver in line steals a shoe from the centre and puts it in the team hoop. The next in line steals a shoe from the centre hoop or the other team's hoops. The game continues until one team collects three shoes in their hoop.
Circle Game
"I sent a letter to my love and on the way I dropped it.'- Beaver stands up and walks around the circle. "A little doggie picked it up and put it in his pocket."- walks around until he finds someone to give the letter to while this is sung: "Now I won't stop here, and I won't stop here (sung three times) but I will stop here." Each Beaver (letter bearer and receiver) runs around the circle to race for the spot. The winner sits down and the other repeats the game.
Balloon Duo
Divide Beavers into pairs. Give each pair a balloon to inflate and tie. Mark start and finish lines about 30 or 40 feet apart. Partners stand side to side at the start line, linking their inside arms and holding the balloon in their free hands. When the leader says "Go" partners work together hitting their balloon to keep it in the air and making their way their way across the playing field. If a balloon lands on the ground, partners may stop and pick it up but may not unlink arms.
Passing the bean bag
With the Beavers in a circle, you start to pass one bean bag around. After a couple of rounds, you add another and then another until you have all the bean bags in the circle. The more that are in the circle, the faster they go and the more Beavers will love it. They love to see all the confusion with the bean bags.
The A.B.C. Game
A Beaver is chosen to start. He must name a letter of the alphabet. The next Beaver must think of a word beginning with that letter within 15 seconds (or any time period). The above steps are continued until each Beaver has a turn, then a new Beaver is chosen to start the game. If a Beaver can't think of something, then he's out. The last remaining is the winner. No Beaver can use the same word twice. Variations: Not only could they think of a word beginning with that letter but also it must be a city, or an animal or something relating to the theme of the week.
Assign each Beaver a number that he is to remember. Gather in a circle with one Beaver in the middle with a ball. (A leader should start the game.) The Beaver in the middle is to shout out a number as he bounces the ball once on the ground. While this is happening, all the Beavers are supposed to run away from the circle, but the one whose number is called must run to catch the ball. Once he has it, no Beaver can move. If the ball holder sees anyone moving, he takes two giant steps toward them. The object of the game is to get close enough to a Beaver so that the ball holder can roll the ball toward a Beaver so he can be tagged by it. If the Beaver is tagged, then he is to call the next number and the game continues. If a Beaver is not tagged, then the ball holder must continue to try to tag someone else.
Bear Watch
Explain to all the Beavers that you are going on a bear hunt. Tell them there is one thing they should do if they should meet a bear, and that is to pretend you are dead. You have to be as still as you can, and not move a muscle because if the bear thinks you are dead, he cannot capture you. Appoint someone to be a bear who will hide (e.g., behind a tree) and when the bear jumps out, everyone plays dead. The last one left lying without moving will become the next bear to watch and look for any movements in Beavers lying down.
The Chocolate Game
You will need: a large bar of chocolate, a plate, a knife, a fork, gloves, hat scarf, a dice. All the Beavers sit in a circle. Put the knife and fork, hat, gloves, scarf, and the chocolate on the plate in the middle of the circle. Dice and shaker are passed round. Each Beaver throws the dice in turn. When a Beaver throws a six, he goes into the middle of the circle and puts on the hat, scarf and gloves. He then starts to eat the chocolate using the knife and fork. He is not allowed to touch the chocolate with his hands, or put his face down to the plate. Meanwhile, the other Beavers go on passing and throwing the dice. Whoever throws the next six goes into the middle of the circle and the first Beaver goes out, after handing over the hat, scarf, gloves, knife and fork. Some Beavers will have time to eat several squares of chocolate, others may only have time to put on the hat and scarf before another Beaver throws a six and they have to leave the middle of the circle. The game continues until the bar of chocolate is finished.
Button, Button
Have all the Beavers sit in a circle, except one Beaver who is 'It'. Have 'It' sit in the centre of the circle. The Beavers in the circle have a button, which they keep passing from hand to hand. They keep their hands in constant motion so that it looks as if they all are passing the button at the same time. The Beaver in the centre tries to guess who has the button. When he guesses correctly, that Beaver trades places with him and guesses who has the button.
Copy Cat
Beavers stand in a circle. Without letting anyone else know, every Beaver secretly picks another Beaver to watch. Each Beaver copies the movements of the watched Beaver, exaggerating them very slightly. If no one seems to be moving, have Beavers spin around once. While the group is still moving a bit, Beavers should begin to mimic. The movements of the group will eventually become larger and larger and usually everyone will end up doing the same thing without ever knowing who started it.
Passed over
Beavers form two lines about four feet apart and face each other. The Beaver at the start of one line tosses a ball across to the Beaver at the start of the other line. After the Beaver tosses the ball, he runs to the end of the opposite line. The Beaver catches the ball, throws it to the next Beaver on the other line, then runs to the end of the opposite line. This continues until the Beavers on both lines are reversed. The game may continue with both lines taking a giant step backward to increase the space between them.
Row Race
Divide Beavers into pairs. Mark a short course with the start and finish lines about 15 or 20 feet apart. Pairs line up. Partner A sits on the starting line with knees together and legs extended straight out. Partner B sits facing Partner A with soles of shoes together, knees bent, and hands clasped. To move, Partner B pulls Partner A into a bent-knee position. Partner B then pushes back to straighten his legs. Next, Partner A straightens his legs and pushes Partner B's legs into a bent position. This pushing and pulling motion resembles rowing and moves Beavers along at about a yard at a time.
Just in passing
Have Beavers stand in a circle. Begin by passing a ball around the circle in one direction. Try passing the ball overhead, through legs, and around backs. Get a rhythm going. Beavers may want to chant "Pass, pass, pass" so that the ball keeps moving as fast as possible. As Beavers master a one-way pass, heighten the challenge by passing another ball in the opposite direction. This will cause some silly confusion but insist that balls keep moving no matter what. You can also yell "Switch!" and have Beavers reverse the directions in which they are passing the two balls. To keep things exciting, keep adding more balls so that Beavers haven't time to think. Eventually, the game will end in one free-for-all ball.