Scouters’ tip: Wash your hands regularly, especially before eating. Teach youth to do the same.
Scouters’ tip: Do the parents in your Section know how to get in touch with you at camp, on outings and during meetings? Make sure to share your contact information, that of your Group Committee Chair and other important numbers.
Scouters’ tip: When crossing the street with a group, always make sure you wait for a fresh green light.
Scouters’ tip: Having a meeting spot is important; always inform the youth where it is.
Scouters’ tip: Discuss any concerns with your fellow Scouters. Be a team; help each other to monitor and address the chemistry among the youth.
Scouters’ tip: At the beginning of an outing, take a picture of each member of the group with your mobile phone camera. If somebody gets lost, having a photo of what somebody’s wearing might help that person be found faster.
Scouters’ tip: Don’t send kids out trick-or-treating wearing masks. Help them with a scary make-up job instead.