Day 1: Personal Safety

Beaver Scouts

Tips to share:
  • Don’t give yourself medicine. Have your parents measure out the medicine you need, and decide when you should have it.
  • Keep your shoelaces tied up. Use a double knot.
  • Take some time to taste your food—chew carefully. Don’t fill your mouth right up or swallow everything at once.

Scouters’ tip: Wash your hands regularly, especially before eating. Teach youth to do the same.

Resources and Program Ideas:

Adobe Acrobat Document 1.1 MB
Adobe Acrobat Document 916.1 KB
Healthy Eating Jumpstart.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 151.0 KB
Healthy Eating 2 Jumpstart.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 134.4 KB

Day 2: Home and Family Safety

Tips to share:
  • Don’t climb furniture or surfaces to get to things you can’t reach. Ask for help.
  • Keep your bedroom tidy. Clutter all over the floor can be hazardous.
  • There are things in your house that you’re not meant to use unsupervised. Remember, your parents’ rules are for your safety. If you’re told not to touch, don’t touch!

Scouters’ tip: Do the parents in your Section know how to get in touch with you at camp, on outings and during meetings? Make sure to share your contact information, that of your Group Committee Chair and other important numbers.

Resources and Program Ideas:

What is an emergency.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 593.0 KB
Emergency Survival Kit.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 462.2 KB

Day 3: Street and Community Safety

Tips to share:
  • If you’re watching passing cars or a train before crossing the street or tracks, stand well back of the vehicles.
  • Walk your bike across train tracks.
  • Don’t talk to strangers.

Scouters’ tip: When crossing the street with a group, always make sure you wait for a fresh green light.

Resources and Program Ideas:

  • Consult the Program Builder for the “Safety Walk” activity.
  • Visit a police station, or have a police officer visit your Colony to get some professional advice on how Beaver Scouts can be safe in their community.

Day 4: Camps and Outings Safety

Tips to share:
  • Have your own flashlight with you at night on campouts. Don’t rely on a friend’s.
  • Keep your things packed up or close together. Spreading your stuff all over might mean that you’ll lose something you need. Worse, somebody could trip over your mess!
  • Wear sunscreen.

Scouters’ tip: Having a meeting spot is important; always inform the youth where it is.

Resources and Program Ideas:

  • Consult the Program Builder and consider the “Exploring an Icy Landscape” activity.

Day 5: Bullying and Verbal Abuse

Tips to share:
  • Remember the Beaver Scout motto: Sharing! Sharing! Sharing!
  • Cheer on your friends in games and competitions.
  • Show some sportsmanship. Don’t run up the score in a game just because you can, and don’t taunt the other side.

Scouters’ tip: Discuss any concerns with your fellow Scouters. Be a team; help each other to monitor and address the chemistry among the youth.

Resources and Program Ideas:

Learn about fair play.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 142.4 KB
Help Beaver Scouts to make new friends.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 296.2 KB

Day 6: Internet and Mobile Phone Safety

Tips to share:
Don’t communicate with strangers online.
Respect your parents’ privacy. Log in as yourself on the computer, if you have your own login information.
If your parents have set up the computer so that you only have access to certain sites, respect those boundaries. If there’s a site you want to access but can’t, ask your parents for help.

Scouters’ tip: At the beginning of an outing, take a picture of each member of the group with your mobile phone camera. If somebody gets lost, having a photo of what somebody’s wearing might help that person be found faster.

Resources and Program Ideas:

  • Do you have parental control software on your home computer? Consider software like Net Nanny.

Day 7: Halloween Safety

Tips to share:
  • Shoes should fit properly even if they don’t go with your costume.
  • Wear a bright costume to trick-or-treat.
  • Make sure your costume fits. You shouldn’t be tripping over it all night.

Scouters’ tip: Don’t send kids out trick-or-treating wearing masks. Help them with a scary make-up job instead.

Resources and Program Ideas:

Halloween Meeting(s) Ideas.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 255.8 KB