Scouters’ tip: Smile! Laugh! Making a point of joking around every day can help to manage stress, improving your blood pressure and immune system.
Scouters’ tip: Clean and empty bird baths, pool covers and other traps for standing water to discourage mosquito breeding and prevent the spread of West Nile Virus. Encourage youth to do the same.
Scouters’ tip: Fall is the last opportunity for bears to fatten up for their winter hibernation, and there’s less to eat in the forest than in the summer. Make sure that your youth are aware that bears may be coming into some neighbourhoods looking for food. Teach youth how to behave when encountering a bear in the neighbourhood.
Scouters’ tip: Be sure the Company has an emergency kit on all outings. Ensure it’s restocked after supplies are used.
Scouters’ tip: Have an explicit “No Bullying” policy for the Company. Encourage a discussion through the youth leadership early in the Scouting year.
Scouters’ tip: Don’t text and drive.
Scouters’ tip: Keep the path leading to your door obstacle-free.