Friends Are Nothing

This is an echo song. One or two people lead and the rest of the troop Follows, singing the words and imitating the motions of the leaders.


Friends Hook index fingers together, right over left, left over right
are nothing Rest right elbow on left hand, index finger pointing and swaying back and forth
Till they work Hit fists together, right on left, left on right
Together. Cup both hands together, palms up, with a scooping motion
They must work Work motion
the whole day Left forearm horizontal, at chest level, right arm up, elbow resting on fingertips of left hand, bring right hand down to left elbow
They must work Work motion
the night away. Left forearm horizontal, at chest level, right arm up, elbow resting on fingertips of left hand, swing right hand down to the right and below left arm, swing up so right hand meets left elbow.
They must work Work motion
Together. Cup both hands together, palms up, with a scooping motion
They must work Work motion
For verses 2-4, substitute the work "work" for:
laugh Trace large smile on face with fingertips
cry Trace tears down cheeks with fingertips
camp Fingertips together to form tent shape
Friends Hook index fingers together, right over left, left over right
are nothing Rest right elbow on left hand, index finger pointing and swaying back and forth
Till they part with teardrops in their eyes,  
They must go their separate ways, Fists together at chest level, slowly parting and making a circle in front of you
And hope to meet again Slowly bring fists together again
Someday Left forearm horizontal, at chest level, right arm up, elbow resting on fingertips of left hand, bring right hand down to left elbow