One Finger, One Thumb

One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving.
One finger, one thumb, one hand, keep moving.
And we'll all be happy and today.


One finger, one thumb, one hand, two hands, keep moving,
Repeat three times 
And we'll all be happy and gay.


Add in turn:
3. One arm
4. Two arms
5. One foot
6. Two Feet 
5. One leg
6. Two legs
7. One head
8. One tongue
9. Turn Around


Actions: for each verse, sitck out or point to the body part(s) currently being mentioned. Repeat the song until you have added on one hand, two hands, one arm, both arms, one foot, two feet, one leg, both legs, One tongue, turn around!